A song by former f(x) member Amber liu.
Where she made out with a “friend”
“thIs iS scAndaLoUs
“I’m replacing you with other people!”
by Felixsfrecklessss December 7, 2019
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I have responsibility to help them but they don't have a responsibility to help me.... I would totally do it too but I don't want to deny them the opportunity to overcome their own problems.... So, instead, I'm just not going to help other people....
Iam "Yeah, so, it's my duty to spend my life other people, correct?"

Hym "That's what he said..."

Iam "And if other people destroy us?"

Hym "Doesn't matter. There's no imposition on other people to not be pieces of shit..."

Iam "So I help other people... Regardless of the outcome.... Because that's were I'll find the meaning to sustain myself.... Even if that 'meaning' is me just being slaughtered by the other people I'm expected to help... I... That doesn't sounds right..."

Hym "And they're entitled to your help as well. Don't forget that. You have a responsibility to do this. It's actually the exact opposite of incels. Incels are not entitled to sex but other people are entitled to help... From us... They desperately need it..."

Iam "But... To other people I'm 'other people'.... When does their responsibility to me kick in? Like... What if I desperately need help?"

Hym "Oh, they're meeting their responsibility by doing whatever they want and fucking their wives... Shitting out kids for you have to help them protect.... Yeah... Other people don't have a responsibility to help other people... You have a responsibility to help other people...."

Iam "I don't see how that makes my life better..."

Hym "It doesn't... That is absolute horse shit..."

Iam "Huh.... So, if that's the case, somebody else's responsibility to help other people never results in me receiving

help as 'other people?' "

Hym "Nope. And helping other people will literally never do anything for you."
by Hym Iam September 9, 2022
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This is an excellent description of most if not all peoples lives.

It originated from a play written by Jean Paul Sartre, who was at the time an existentialist. The play was named "No Exit" (1944), and was about three people trapped in a hotel room indefinitly (the afterlife) while in a love triangle in which no two people felt attraction to each other. During the last line of the play, one of the characters screams "Hell Is Other People!!!!!". It has integrated itself into popular culture's vocabulary while most of the unwashed masses never know its origin.
The annoying guy with the nail clipping habit and halatosis breath is sitting next to you in the carpool again.
by E. Haller April 20, 2004
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A quote from French philosopher Jean- Paul Sartre's play "No Exit". It's a phrase meaning if relations with someone else are twisted and broken then that person can only be hell. The reason why is because when we try to think about and know ourselves, we use the knowledge of us that people already have.
"I love Sartres quote, "Hell is other people".
by DurpyFlurp April 1, 2020
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1: Cheating on.
Girl: Well you know... I've been seeing other people-

Boy: fuck off you slut
by bruhthisismyhandle August 19, 2021
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A phrase with fresh meaning in 2020, when people all over the world are commanded by law to stay far away from each other, when the innocent presence of another human can cause your death.

The line is from Jean-Paul Sartre's 1944 play 'No Exit".
Having been friendly and gregarious all his life, he was now forced to acknowledge that, in the present moment, hell is other people.
by Monkey's Dad April 3, 2020
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A line from the movie Kingpin refering to sleeping with someone else's girlfriend or wife.
Angry man: You lookin at my woman?
Another man: Yeah man you dont go mowing other people's lawns!
by whoami0325 March 25, 2011
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