109 definitions by bryan

To be completely drunk.
"John came home from the party monolithic."
by bryan January 28, 2005
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You can tell who's doing a gansta lean by how stupid they look in there cars. They are almost in the passenger seat while driving. This looks even funnier when the person is driving a crappy car like a Grand Am or some Ricer car.
I saw that kid driving his riced out Eclipse and doing a gangsta lean so I put up my finger for him. He then procedded to turn around and catch up to me by the next stoplight. I then beat his ass down in my American Camaro.
by bryan January 28, 2006
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State where people cannot elect decent senators
Ted Kennedy and John Kerry...oy vey these people have to get rid of the liberalism!!!!!
by bryan August 21, 2005
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A woman's hairy genital area. Called this because, like a bowl of oatmeal, it looks all nasty but tastes good if you don't look at it. See also Oatmeal.
Sandra lifted her skirt to reveal a hearty bowl of oatmeal beneath.
by bryan August 28, 2003
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A shorter way to say Camaro. One of the best cars made that will beat any Mustang on any given day.
"Have you seen Bryan's maro? Damn it's nice lookin and hella fast."
by bryan February 28, 2005
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