
lets go meander a bit more
by proud_gator March 1, 2005
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V.Hanging out on a rock wall midway through a rappel. Usually with some ice tea and a bag of chips.
Parker and Daniel try their best to meander once a year.
by Oliver Quidgeums November 28, 2005
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"holy fuck, Mega Man X7 is meandering"
by Spiffy Ruffleroni September 11, 2018
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1. n.: are the footprints of meanderthal in its tourist acception, mainly. Which are most of times by pairs, unless some disabled Homo deserves the qualification

2. v.: to meander specially if in a meanderthal way.

3. n. the group of websites, specially blogs, we use to visit or end navigating without any definite purpose
Those are meanders by authentical meanderthal

The one that meanders up these valleys of green & grey

I was stuck in a bunch of meanders blogs while googling
by meanders2001 September 9, 2011
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It can be like a river with a bend. IT is also a great way to dissmiss random shit said by retards. Also can be formed into an oxbow lake.
Retard "what the time?"
Guy "its meander, you fucking retard"

John "meander"
Guy "oxbow lake"
John and Guy "ahhhahahh"
by Captain Meander August 15, 2008
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Synonym: Wander

To walk about in an observant fashion
by mr&mrssalt April 4, 2017
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Wandering around aimlessly, looking for nothing, in a funk, in another world mentally
He meandered around the lake cottage in a fog. He walked in circles, meandering in a daze, when he heard the news of his sister's death.
by myra jane nelson January 12, 2010
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