A man with a madonna-whore complex is a man who will sleep with and lust for a sexual and beautiful woman but he will never respect her as "wife" material and he will never marry her. In his eyes, she is tainted, impure, unworthy of the status of wife---yet he may possess passionate and contradictory feelings for her. He may even be in love with her but will never allow himself to be with her in any real sense.
He will look for a "good girl" to marry---usually a woman who is cold sexually but, for example, is good at "wifely" domestic things: cooking, cleaning, homemaking in general, etc. A proper, pure "madonna" type woman who will bear his children.
by JESSICA February 24, 2004
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The tendency for men to not be able to integrate the "dualisms" of women. Though EACH and EVERY female IS in fact fully capable of BOTH, it appears man's greatest challenge is to resolve them both in the same woman, thus these two aspects of the female must be relegated into two very separate and distinct categories--one or the other, black or white, Madonna or Whore. It's a shame men can't just accept that both are available to them in the same woman.
She's a Madonna, and a Whore. This introduces a complex dilemma. Madonna-Whore Complex.
by KatieCoolLady July 16, 2009
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The seemingly conflicting desires that some (but certainly not all) men have for a woman who is experienced in the bedroom and unashamed of showing sexual prowess ("whore"), but at the same time a woman who is wholesome, clean and nuturing ("madonna"), particularly enough to not be branded a "slut".

This concept is due to having a large population of sexually frustrated people (both men AND women) who were raised to believe that sexual activity or just being sexy is a dirty and shameful act, and a society where both men and women have been led to believe that women have to either be complete prudes or totally promiscuous.
"Dick is an ex-quarterback with a madonna-whore complex. Jane is an equally confused prude who needs to drink a quart of whisky to release her sexual inhibitions guiltlessly. They were made for each other."
by Bill M. September 21, 2004
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Men classify all women into one of only two categories: either evil sexual temptress, or good and pure saint; a woman has to be one or the other.
Mortimer believed that only bad girls enjoyed sex, so he felt free to despise them.
by Jomo October 30, 2003
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Madonna-whore is when a guy treats his wife or girlfriend gently sexually, always treating her with respect, but the woman on the side he treats to aggresive angry sex, performing acts on her that he thinks would disrespect the woman he loves.
Italians think there wives, sisters, and mothers are all madonna's or virgins.
That is not the case.
by Neil September 15, 2003
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A shallow "man" who with an unnerving amount of Mommy complexes (because he was breast fed until he was 9!) finds a sexually healthy,independent,intelligent and beautiful female and runs like the sorry ass bitch that he is.Women who posess beauty, brains and also lack the typical guilt complex about sex terrifies weak men.Will be continued...
See also Matt Sable....a sad,sad little man dog paddling in the big boy's pool
by Trouble April 11, 2005
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The tendency of men to favor women who are sweet and innocent and chaste, but will then become (through instinct, not experience) bold and adept in the bedroom. The sufferer or possessor of the complex believes, or at least enjoys pretending, it is he alone who could transform the woman, so despite her whore-like behavior, she remains a madonna. He believes himself, therefore, god-like
George was your typical misogynistic forty-something momma's boy, still scouring campuses for his madonna-whore
by Lee November 6, 2003
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