sexually frustrated

when a lack of sex or sexual activities with the person you are talking to leads to a overall bad mood and a dip in social skills. usually long periods of sleep are common
I haven’t seen ****** in a while, I’m not sexually active I’m sexually frustrated
by Elzandco October 18, 2019
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sexually frustrated

a person who is generally stressed out or frustrated due to either lack of sex/sexual encounters or due to bad sex.
signs of the sexually frustrated are said to include chewing ice, eating chocolate and peeling labels off of beer bottles, although most people think these are just 'old wives tales'
i'm so sexually frustrated because not only have i not had sex for 9 months, every guy i meet is a loser!
by jane_bond October 27, 2003
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sexually frustrated

What 90% of the world's leaders are.
If Bush, Kim Jong Il, Bin Laden, Blair, Putin and Nasrallah had some TLC, they wouldn't be sexually frustrated, and a lot of wars would stop.
by FuckConformityAndStupidJerks:) January 20, 2007
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sexually frustrated

mad because of the fact that you haven't had sex in a long time, or haven't had sex at all
Friend: Yo man i just got laid today!! it was great!

Alain: Ugh im sooooo mad i.... -kicks his dog coco-

Friend: Man you killed your dog, you are clearly sexually frustrated
by moisttowelettefrumdahud January 9, 2011
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sexually frustrated

Abbey is sexually frustrated constantly. She needs to be relieved.
by Jefferson October 6, 2002
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sexually frustrated

When a girl uses a banana to fulfill their need for sex.
Wow Boku No Pico makes me sexually frustrated
by miniouija June 25, 2014
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sexually frustrated

omg aubrey is such a homo. she takes her sexual frustrations out on trees
by someone SPECIAL...ED October 19, 2003
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