All internet discussions regarding video cards or GPUs, given enough time, will decay into a discussion regarding digital currency mining.

Term comes from the user VirtualLarry at the Anandtech GPU forums, and ardent defender of mining digital currency using GPUs. GPU topics involving VirtualLarry would all invariably invite or devolve into discussions about digital currency mining.
"I know this topic is about the performance of the 6600XT, but I have to say that given the cards are out of stock due to miners buying them all up..."

"Ah man, this topic got Larry's Lawed!"
by GodisanAtheist September 7, 2021
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Larry is a mighty god from the Nordic mythology. He can do anything. Yes. Larry is the ruler of the solar system. He decides who will die and who will leave. The Larry Nordic god is a real god objectively. It's a fact. He was born in 8000 before count.
Larry Capara is mighty and strong.
I'm a smart person = I believe in larry
by December 28, 2021
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A pizza served in an Irish tavern.
Hey after this lame Cosmos game in a bush league baseball stadium lets hit up the pub for some Larry Pizza.
by JerseyPizza February 15, 2017
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A joyful character that keeps everyone's attention, wanted or not, when entering or leaving any given party, workplace, event, area, situation and or conversation. This is assisted by a blood red face and loud storytelling voice that apparently cannot be controlled
The party was really boring until Larry Larr showed up!
by Milton Grad February 3, 2010
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When you sit back smoking a fat bag of meth and your penis is in a white bitch
That guys smokin Larry burt.
by June 15, 2023
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You can't really describe it, but it's a very goofy action that makes you shit your pants in laughter.
That's some Larry moe shit
by Larry Moe March 23, 2016
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