Bart told emmett a tale of scat, midgets and donkeys that was so appalling emmett yacked in bart's face...everyone agreed it was justifiable vomicide...
by emmettaclown December 19, 2010
The mercy killing of anyone with the surrname Trump, any registered republican, or anyone who lives in a red state.
"Kenny drove his SUV through the crowd at the Trump rally in Wisconsin. He killed 43 trumptards and wounded a hundred more."
" Oh shit! Kenny is fucked now, I think Wisconsin has the death penalty!"
" LOL! No worries my friend, Wisconsin is a red state, and all of the stiffs are trumptards. It's justifiable homicide. They might even give him a medal".
" Oh shit! Kenny is fucked now, I think Wisconsin has the death penalty!"
" LOL! No worries my friend, Wisconsin is a red state, and all of the stiffs are trumptards. It's justifiable homicide. They might even give him a medal".
by Littlehandsdonniedotard June 28, 2018
When food looks/smells SO gotdamn good, you just have to eat it. (even if it belongs to someone else)
That pot of crackaroni and cheese Yoli left out was just beggin to be nommed. I had to eat it...totally a Justifiable Nomicide.
by The original kali chan April 27, 2011
A person who puts complicated and unnecessary requests into the daily lives of others to make their own life or job seem important.
"Why is Tom interested in this all of a sudden?"
"Oh his boss is coming in today, so he's on salary justifier mode".
"Oh his boss is coming in today, so he's on salary justifier mode".
by stubbsy69 November 20, 2010
When someone tries to makes their procrastinating seem right by making up fake benefits in their head.
"Studying at 10:00 pm the night before a test helps the subject stay fresh in my mind."
"don't lie to yourself dude, you're using justified procrastination so you an play cod tonight."
"don't lie to yourself dude, you're using justified procrastination so you an play cod tonight."
by randomsteaksauce February 16, 2011
A troll who thinks it's okay to troll if they use something else to justify their hate. A Justifying Troll often uses religion, inaccurate facts, and big words to try and justify their hate. These kinds of trolls do this because they usually can't find anything wrong with whatever it is that they hate and therefore have to look for reasons.
Example of a Justifying Troll:
"You see those skulls in the background? And the way she has her arms positioned? Not to mention if you play this song backwards she clearly says 'I love the devil'. This singer is satanic and trying to brainwash you".
"You see those skulls in the background? And the way she has her arms positioned? Not to mention if you play this song backwards she clearly says 'I love the devil'. This singer is satanic and trying to brainwash you".
by asefiowrhgua;ergg September 29, 2011
The act of killing a homeless, mentally-ill, or indigent person, male or female, by any number of police agencies in British Columbia on the pretext that dead, homeless, handicapped people can tell no tales. Or testify. Or sue.
Rookie police officer: Chief, this homeless man was babbling about crackspiders when I was compelled to taser him in the nutsack. He then pulled a pair of nail clippers on me, so I was forced to unload 10 rounds of .40 into his torso. Will I have to face a bullshit investigation by another obviously biased police department?
Chief: Hell no, son. Clear case of justifiable hobo-cide.
Chief: Hell no, son. Clear case of justifiable hobo-cide.
by spinynorman April 14, 2011