in high cotton

He's in high cotton now with the new job.
by Arlan Holt March 29, 2004
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in high cotton

well off, especially in terms of happiness or wealth(from the notion of a well developed high cotton crop that one would not need to bend over to pick, used in the Southern U.S. since the 1920)
He was in high cotton by the time he retired.
by The Return of Light Joker October 13, 2008
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in high cotton

To have a lot of money. Prominently featured in the country-western song "High Cotton" by Alabama
When we were kids, we thought we were in high cotton if we had a dollar.
by LB March 31, 2004
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high cotton

If yer daddy gets that job up at the bank, we's goin' be in high cotton.
by jkw February 6, 2004
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High Cotton

A state of good luck, good fortune, wealth, prosperity.
by Michael Cornelius February 14, 2004
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High Cotton

Is when things are more expensive or richer than your social status. Being High Cotton means you are rich or wealthy
That hotel was High Cotton with the pillows and the beds

Steve drove a bentley he was a high cotton dude
by TankKNAF October 2, 2009
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high cotton

n. An Al Franken t-shirt
n. There actually is a t-shirt company called "High Cotton" and I have the one that says "c:\dos. c:\dos\run. run\dos\run."
I'm wearing my high cotton today.
by fizzle April 1, 2004
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