Sexual Position
When a man gives a women a reverse ‘titty fuck’. He either pushes out a little nugget of poo or a pre-planned lazy wiping of the anal area. So while performing this act, pushes his bum cheeks against her chin, leaving fecal matter all over the chin……
The Toronto Goatee!
Jack was performing an aggressive reverse titty fuck on Jill while on holidays in Canada. Once he had finished he notice a brown smear all over Jill’s chin. This is when he realized he must not have wiped his ass properly. He looked at her, then out the window and said…..

Ahh I dub the….
The Toronto Goatee!
by Booby42 September 21, 2023
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When a man titty fucks a girl and ejaculates on her chin
I was titty-fucking my girlfriend when I blew my load and gave her Satan's goatee.
by Ben "Jeffrey" Harrison December 1, 2008
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A guy goes down a on a particulary hairy woman. Giving him the appearance of having facial hair. Can be accompanied by the smell of Glasgow Docks.
Taylor went to down a hairy lass last night. Looked like he had a Glaswegian Goatee...
by HolyTaylorist August 6, 2011
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The opposite of a goatee. All the hair except for the chin and lip are grown out.
Wolverine rocks the anti-goatee.
by jonomicon September 7, 2007
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(noun) When a female has extra long inner vagina lips that hang down.
Guy 1: Did you see that porn of Talley's wife?
Guy 2: Yeah I saw that bitches moose goatee, it was sickkkk....
by MooseGoatee February 1, 2009
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her growler goatee was sticking out of her bikini
by stuart bondy September 16, 2015
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