pussy, vagina, a womans womanly bits, gooly bits, flappy bits of skin a woman carries on the lower part of her body used mainly in sex, fanny
by poo face mcwilly March 27, 2005
by Wardo November 8, 2003
by poo face mcwilly March 27, 2005
Inner, (in-er), inners: A family of inners moved in down the street, there goes the neighborhood... Inners should just stay in their concrete jungle.... this is gods country up here in the hills, we don’t welcome inners around here.... My grandpa says I better not bring any Inners home to thanksgiving. What an inner !
by Dearjohn November 18, 2019
the most inner part of your ass...only visable during the atomic moon (opening up your ass cheeks when you are mooning someone). Also it's where your ass smells the worse...like rotten eggs drenched in spoiled milk.
Rich: I saw Drew's inner inner ass last night while I was talking to my girl on the phone.....then he farted.
by Drewman05 July 7, 2009