Addicting game (quite much more than that of the addiction of cigarettes, heroine, crack-cocaine/crack/cocaine)that will suck your life away to your small chair and large blanket that sits next to your computer, which you wait to return to while sitting on the shitter while you should be doing finals T_T. <-- basically me, but not that bad, I still have friends, and my blanket is in the laundry
Typical Diablo 2 Chat (Got this from IRC, yeah its real):
01:02 <CDC> how much is a scl unid?
01:02 <the445566> 33fg
01:02 <the445566> or
01:03 <the445566> 8hrs
01:03 <the445566> or something
01:03 <the445566> lawl
01:03 <CDC> damn thats cheap az
01:03 <h0bby> can anyone kill my ancients hell?
01:03 <mister_d2> gn?
01:03 <h0bby> vat1/1
01:05 <mister_d2> brt
by Leonard T June 18, 2007
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1.The game that you called your "Homework" when your mom asked what you were doing.2. another word for the devil.3. The game that made you lose your girlfriend/boyfriend.4.A hit classic that is still played by millions today created by Blizzard Entertainment.
Mom:Are you doing your homework? You: Yea... mhmmm, oh crap I lost my trang! Mom: what was that, are you playing the gosh darn Diablo 2 again? You: No, I said I accidentially used slang!
by Shomozo February 2, 2008
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a game with the metaphoric phenomenon of the gates of heaven, which transfers orgasmic glee to the cool and tuff guy/girl/thing through a lengerdary diablo playing mouse. also refers to the gods as their word/vision/hymm.
tuff guy: whats up with the sunglasses?
cool guy: my eyes fell out playing diablo 2. now i guess im just a sinner, since i cant play.
by the wise bookaka May 10, 2007
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A very sad game that if you play you morph into a nerd. Diablo 2 is probably the worst game ever infact i think we should burn all diablo 2's and kill the makers! any one with me?
jim: hay giggles want to play d2?
giggles: *slaps jim and steals d2 and burns it*
by GIGGLES May 2, 2005
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isnt as addicting as most people say; no where as addicting ass EverCrack
Yo diablo 2 is the shizzle!
by J 0 K A February 10, 2005
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Video game published by Blizzard. A point and click swords and sorcery themed past time. The goal is to slay monsters and amass experience points and utilize character specific skills. Veterans of the game tend to collect the more powerful of the randomly generated items to equip their characters. Usually, with the many hours spent collecting these rare artifacts, players duel each other and optimize their characters for specific methods to exploit the weaknesses of the various hero classes.
This game is addictive like Diablo 2.
by sravat June 1, 2003
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a disease in which you have no friends and sit on your computer all day
by Anonymous October 21, 2003
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