To admit guilt. Fess up. To accept responsibility for a crime committed or some other lapse of judgement, sanity, or breach of socially or culturally acceptable conduct.
by thunderbeing December 29, 2011
To admit a wrong doing doing..especially a deep secret that you shouldve never lied about in the first place and exepted the consequences
She shouldve confessed and admited that she made a poor dicission by not telling him the truth about having an abortion when it was brought was very selfish and careless of her to let her fears get in the way of their love.
by MoonSync June 5, 2019
by jungscoped4life June 9, 2017
by sachi D February 21, 2005
by Dom's shiny booty cheeks October 29, 2020
A game played by 2 or more people in which one player makes two "confessions"; one being true, the other a lie. If the other player(s) guesses which one is true, the player that made the confession must remove one item of clothing. If they guess incorrectly, the next player males their confessions.
by 2frsh June 29, 2015
female masturbation: slang used to publicaly speak to your friends about using your vibrater last night, so good that infact you saw god.
Sara: "sorry i couldnt pick up your call, i was going to confession before."
Vallen: "Damnnnnn.... you need to get some real dick already"
Vallen: "Damnnnnn.... you need to get some real dick already"
by blondesketeers April 19, 2011