A legal stimulant that is found in coffee, soft drinks and energy drinks and there is the pill form. Normally ingested in drinks but can be swallowed in the pill form or the pill can be crushed to powder for snorting and even cases of "slamming". Caffeine is as strong as amphetamines but does not cause wicked behavior as, cocaine, meth or other drugs but too much caffeine at one time can get a person high and can "tweak" a person out.
Pepsi, mtn dew, coffee, monster drinks all contain caffeine. Too many monster's can twack a person out.
by jackson, j May 26, 2006
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Its like high-octane fuel for the brain. Its a vitamin.

Found in guarana (only good if you want a nice drink, if its only for the vitamin, then its overpricy) but mostly coffee of course. Supplements like No-Doz pills have actually their caffeine from coffee decaffeinator byproducts.
Chocolate contains too much calories to be acceptable as source of caffeine.

To get the RDA in caffeine if you don't like coffee drink Diet Coke/Pepsi/etc.

Useful info now. Caffeine doesn't act like coke or speed! It doesn't act on the same pathway! Actually it mainly blocks the "drowsiness-inducing molecules" a.k.a adenosine from acting. But it doesn't act of dopamine (=feel good) pathway like the other drugs.
by QuartzRox March 28, 2004
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A strong legal stimulant that is far more practical to snort in it's pure form than ingest by drinking disgusting, gut-wrenching coffee.
Snorting caffeine produces an immediate energy rush and more intense buzz than drinking it.
by Alexander DeLarge February 10, 2005
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Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant, and many stoners use it to deter the fact that they are most of the time wasting their lives smoking pot for hours, instead of doing something productive.
”Hey man like um don't you know everyone who hates stoners consumes poisons such as alcohol and (caffeine). Stoners are generally a friendly minority, peaceful, and harmless, there isn't any proof against that, and it's not like a lot of stoners are just thugs who think they are tough. The arrogant people bitching about them smoking marijuana, are usually totally worse than the guy standing on the corner with his squad, slinging pot to strangers, and breaking into peoples houses to steal their stuff if their is weed plants inside.
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A legal amphetamine which is found in the leaves and flowers of the tea plant, or the seeds of coffee and cacao/cocoa plants.
Jolt Cola has twice as much caffeine as Mountain Dew.

Some chocolates have a higher concentration of caffeine than others.
by AYB July 12, 2003
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Since caffeine + Strong Sad = SCIENCE!, that obviously means that SCIENCE! - Strong Sad = caffeine. And also, SCIENCE! - caffeine = Strong Sad.
by Tom December 19, 2003
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To be wired on caffeine. Have a caffeine buzz.
After 3 Mocha Frappachinos from Starbucks, I was so caffeinated that I organized my sock drawer!
by Hackermom November 10, 2005
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