boy howdy

An exclamation of enthusiastic agreement which can be used in both a genuine or sarcastic tone. In addition can used to add emphasis to a statement, much like the word fuck can.

Boy Howdy was also the name of an American country music band from the 1990’s. The term has not direct link or reference to them however.

As Agreement (genuine):

Joe: Mrs. Robinson sure is one MILF
Tom: Boy howdy!

As Agreement (sarcastic):

Johnny: Don't you just love pointless office meetings where the company tries to rah rah rah you into caring about sales?
Roberto: Boy howdy do I ever!

As Emphasis:

Norman: Boy howdy am I hungry, let's consume tacos!
by Venasque May 17, 2006
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Southern slang. An interjection. Often used as an expression of surprise for large quantities of something, or severity of something. See yessum.
"Boy howdy! Them pumpkins sure are big! How're we gonna carry 'em all, Ms. McGregor?"
by Fugerko.? December 24, 2003
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General expression/interjection, similar in usage to "wow," "oh, man," or "yep".
"Did the colonoscopy hurt at all?"
--"Boy howdy!"
by Swid September 10, 2002
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1. Expression similar to "Oh, gosh".

2. Expression meaning "Oh, gosh, I'm a hick". If you can use "boy howdy" in a sentence with a straight face, you're about as far out of the urban mainstream as I can imagine.
1. Boy howdy, those sure are a lot of apples.

2. Boy howdy, I'm goin' to the big city. Topeka, here I come!
by asdf.what January 29, 2004
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A term that generally makes no sense at all, used to describe a feeling of happiness or enjoyment. Can be used with an exclamation mark for added excitement.
Carlos: We're going to the movies with a really hot chick tonight.
Diego: Boy howdy!
by MrDinkleberry November 21, 2005
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From 'Glee' - "Your wife will be pushing out a baby of her boy howdy in five months."
by CharlesCarmichael September 24, 2009
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1. An exclamation most typically used by those exposed to (and not utterly embarrassed by) southern culture. It is, in essence, the southern version of the urban expression 'girl bye'. When spoken sarcastically, it is used to render a thing ridiculous or label it unimportant. When spoken sincerely, it is similar to the expression 'hot dog!' and implies that a thing is impressive, pleasantly surprising, intriguing or a combination of the three.

2. An anatomical orifice used in the act of sex, such as a woman's vagina or a person's anus. The mouth is not typically referred to as a 'boy howdy,' though it, too, fits this description.
Examples include the term 'boy howdy' in snippets of hypothetical conversation, and should be imagined or read aloud in a southern accent.


Boy me & Rick went down to the crick last yesterday and just guess what we saw!

- Now what was that?

We saw us three of THE LOVELIEST creatures bathin' in all god's glory.

-Did you see nipple? It only counts if you saw nipple.

Hell yes we saw nipple.

-Boy howdy!


Golly gee Kyle, me and the boys are heading over to the bowling ally and we're gonna have us a mighty good time! We might even get a little crazy and have a whole dang pitcher of soda, I bet we will. Wanna come?

-Boy howdy...


Condom or nothing, Rick. Make your choice. I don't care if they're not fun, I'll TELL you what's not fun. Growing a whole goddamn person inside you for nine months and then having to push the gaddamn thing out of your boy howdy. I mean it. Condoms or gtfo.
by Howd'yDoo July 23, 2011
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