19 definitions by Fugerko.?

Southern slang. An interjection. Often used as an expression of surprise for large quantities of something, or severity of something. See yessum.
"Boy howdy! Them pumpkins sure are big! How're we gonna carry 'em all, Ms. McGregor?"
by Fugerko.? December 24, 2003
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1) the most common typo for "the"

2) "the," but usually used as slang when following it up with something stupid.

2) "george bush is teh coolest president evur... yeh me no shtoopid"
by Fugerko.? December 16, 2003
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The only class where you can pay roughly 0% of your attention span and get a 99 or so for a grade.
I have learned nothing in math class since 6th grade.
by Fugerko.? January 2, 2004
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To have a squirrel protruding from one's arm, in the place where one's hand generally resides.
Some people are squirrel-handed. Gregor is a weird name.
Everyone is different. No two people are not on fire.
by Fugerko.? December 30, 2004
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1. a female dog
2. A muddafukkin' bulls-eye, your ass is MINE dipshit YEAH whaddaya think of THAT?!?!
George Bush: Yeah you goddamn Iraqi beeeatch you gon die! That's what y'all get when y'all misunderestimate me!
by Fugerko.? November 25, 2003
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1. To speak, write, type, or telepathically communicate the meaning of a word or phrase.

2. For a lot of people on this site, to give one's opinion on a word or phrase in any of the above manners.
"Define: Archipelago"
"PENGUIN AAAAAH *shoots self*"
"I'm sorry, that is incorrect, you may sit down"
by Fugerko.? December 26, 2003
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boobs on a man, also pronounced "m'noobs".
AAHAHA hey dude you've got m'noobs AAHAHA
by Fugerko.? November 19, 2003
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