like the bomb, except much cooler. Has nothing to do with nuclear arsenal or other such weaponry related to the explosive tools of war. Much more of a person or action that is too cool or awesome to have any other word for
by patty-o-pinch-me-youdie May 27, 2004
The liquid explosion in a bomb.
by imeg4fun September 13, 2004
adjective, generally used after "the", to describe anything awesome, amazing, baffling, or mildly offensive. also used by white middle-class "gangstas" who carry around butter knives to show everyone how badly they want to be black.
guy: "Dude, Refused is the bomb sauce, even if they ARE fucking dead."
wigga: "He be the BOMB sauce, jigga!"
wigga: "He be the BOMB sauce, jigga!"
by St. Mike September 15, 2006
A condement of a spice or chilli base strong enough to enduce explosive diahreah in whomever ingests it.
by slo_gin February 26, 2004
A word used by white suburban kids who think they are gangster to describe anything cool. Sometimes, things really are "bomb sauce", but most of the time, they are stupid.
by Blahb May 5, 2005
by Hermaphrodite February 28, 2004