n. A synonym for law. Slang used mainly by embittered law students.
"What is studying law like?" Reply: "Law is basically barf or mathematically speaking, law = barf, if you will. Which reminds me - could you please kill me?"
by anonymous law student April 17, 2006
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sike, as in whatever was said is false.
margy: yo dana youre pretty.. barf !
by brehehe April 7, 2011
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A reaction to something that's revolting. Causing you to upchuck. Something disgusting in nature or unnatural.
Vitale's small cock, obesity and herpes simplex made me want to barf.

I had to excuse myself to use the bathroom many times.
by swanns January 28, 2009
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A critical, idiotic, or exceptionally embarrassing failure. Has origins in California.
"Dude, did you see Eric flip off his teacher?"
"Who did?"
"Eric, man! He thought ROB tripped him!"
by Feezy, my Neezy August 25, 2007
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Intentionally puking snot through one nasal passage.
Jamal: "WHOA - check outs da mess Cleveland snot barfed on da flow."
Dixon: "Sheet man - dats nasty".
by Mr.Tissue January 16, 2018
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Intentionally spewing clogged snot through one nostril.
Nick: "Yuoh dude - Didja just blow a wad of boogers onta da flo?"
Sly: "Yeh ... I hadta clear my snoz by makin a snot barf."
by Mr.Tissue January 16, 2018
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This is a humorous expression when someone vomits a copious amount after, for example, spending an evening drinking and eating!
Gaaaawdd, Reggie went to the bathroom to barf a buffet!!!
by I, Wreckerrr June 8, 2021
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