Blogging about a blog. See blog
This is generally a cop-out method for coming up with something to put on your own blog, as the reblog offender is simply writing about another blogger's thoughts (and, of course, linking them in the hope that they'll get a trackback themselves).
This is generally a cop-out method for coming up with something to put on your own blog, as the reblog offender is simply writing about another blogger's thoughts (and, of course, linking them in the hope that they'll get a trackback themselves).
by Grouchy Gnome January 8, 2006
by Chris Matthew September 14, 2007
a picture/gif/random rant/anything/ found on tumblr. that has appeal to either one person or a large group of persons which causes it to be roblogged an infinate amount of people
by vik687989098 September 9, 2011
When a post on tumblr pertains to you and you have rebloged it before, so everytime you see it you reblog it.
by kade12 February 11, 2012