
A man who is BLACK and white at the same time.
You can find these type of people often in among us lobbies.
by kool kid k March 16, 2021
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Yo, you gonna get on B2 tonight?
by meathelmet September 2, 2005
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Oh no. Summer is over and it's b2s
by SexyLexie August 21, 2007
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During anal sex the balls are stuffed into the anus.

"Balls in Bowels" = BB or B2
Hey Baby, grab your shoehorn it's time for a B2.
B2 Bomber
by ferrdog August 7, 2009
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Pissing, shitting an vomiting all at the same time.
by marzipancakes June 4, 2010
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Yo we're playing Black Ops, pull up that B2 cuz you got next!
by Baleezdat December 3, 2010
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A B2 is a person that is a bopper which is rated by the number. B1 being the most boppest out of a group of people.
Damn B1 is over there with her friends following her by her side B2,B3,B4!!!
by Queen B badest bitch January 30, 2008
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