To be of high quality
<Shaz> geezer you are rated <Mo> I know
by geezer October 26, 2003
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used in the north to describe something that is really really good. Alternatively "right right"
The mighty Boosh is rate rate!
by halo_nothing February 24, 2006
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when someone does something that deserves praise
Luckie, " I tingsed canfield man"
Smith," Aaaaah ... ratings bruv"
by Ross Luckie April 29, 2004
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A nothern english term used when someone does not know how a situation will turn out and is passed worrying about it.
Jimmy that exam is tomorrow and you have not revised.
Ahh be rate.
by I J Moore October 14, 2007
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The rating as to how attractive or hot a girl is. It generally goes in the order of:
Some people also rate the rest of their body.
So if someone tells you a girl is a 7-6-7, they mean her butt is a 7 out of 10, her breasts are a 6 out of 10, and her face is a 7 out of 10 also.
Guy 1: Dang man, Ashley's rating is 8-9-7!
Guy 2: But Amanda is a 9-9-8!
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when u tell how hot someone is (in most cases on Instagram)
Tim: Hey man what would you rate that bomb ass chick?
Josh: A solid 10 bro!
by slut.hut February 13, 2015
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1. To think something is sick, cool, good or hot.
2. The price you charge for a good or service. ie Drugs
1. "I fully rate the new mags you've got."
"I really rate that new girl at work."
2. "$250AUD an ounce is the rate. You don't like it, fuck off."
by Diego July 31, 2003
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