1. Masochistically destroying one's own social life with excessively hard or time-consuming highschool/college courses.

2. Attempting suicide by way of sleep deprivation, induced by excessive schoolwork.
My classes were all really easy last year, so I attempted Assisted Schoolicide by signing up for three extra-curricular courses.
by FearTheBoomstick October 17, 2010
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The one the principal sleeps with to completely monopolize the school board.
Person 1: Have you talked to the Assistant Principal recently?
Person 2: No, I don’t think so.
Person 1: That’s because she was fired after being caught sleeping with the principal.
Person 2: Oh my god really, that’s insane!
Person 1: I know!
by 4:31Time April 23, 2020
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Buch of underage workers grinding for sesh money.
Awee man; I gotta go call assist to afford that gram
by fdsBihtobz October 23, 2018
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A Golden Assist is when another person holds a male's penis when he is urinating.
Did you hear? Dwayne got a golden assist last night when he was holding her bags!
by AdrienBoerger October 7, 2008
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1. A person who earns money by being a professional bitch
2. Other than doing home loans, its the second most popular job a stripper has "during the day"
1. I hate doing my job so I will just have my executive assistant do it.
2. I dont just dance for my money, I also am an executive assistant.
by your significant other January 23, 2007
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It's a fucking dumbass piece of shit won't understand when I said can I eat drug or frog please it's just came out as can I eat dog and please
by Thanos car thanos car thanos c September 10, 2018
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Utilizing the hover technique while holding onto the handicap rails for support. Sometimes required when constipation causes an extended need for the hover to occur.
There were no toilet seat covers, but my legs were tired from snowboarding, so I had to utilize the assisted hover.
by metalheadjoel March 11, 2008
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