by manutdfan4life February 13, 2005
"I hacked that Trojan with my new trojan software however it turned out the person who gave it me was a Trojan"
by Stephen April 9, 2004
A piece of software to gain access to a computing system, while the owner isn't aware of it's existence.
Often introduced in a system hidden in an appealing looking free paquage or a free game.
In essence the same principle as the "Trojan horse" which Odysseus used to conquer Troy.
Often introduced in a system hidden in an appealing looking free paquage or a free game.
In essence the same principle as the "Trojan horse" which Odysseus used to conquer Troy.
"I planted a trojan in her system, I even have access to her webcam now!"
"You really should get a life, dude!"
"You really should get a life, dude!"
by BelgainDSoul August 10, 2003
by God January 17, 2005
An undesirable person that makes friends with a nice person in order to get in to parties and other social circles and events. As in using nice people in the manner of a Trojan Horse to gain access to places they would not be invited normally.
by no means no July 2, 2012
A make of condom or shealth used to prevent the transition of semen from a man to a woman, man or animal.
by Link December 8, 2004