36 definitions by Link


Another one of Lil' Jon's popular catchphrases that he says in songs that feature him. This is the lesser known one. The other three are YEAH, OKAY, and WHAT?!.
Lil' Jon: HEY! yeah... OKAY-OKAY-OKay...!
Usher: Yeah-eah-eah-eah!
by Link January 23, 2005
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Shit phelgm

1. The muscous secreted from one's anus after consuming an extreme amount of foodstuffs that are high in fibre, such as baked beans for example.

2. An insult
"I'm not eating any of those beans again", said Keith. "They made me shit phelgm".

"Dude, you shit phelgm"
by Link December 8, 2004
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Dear mom, II have decided that suicide is the best thing....
hghgjhgj uyhgyg
by Link June 26, 2004
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How idiots spell bee-atch or bee-otch.
by Link May 3, 2004
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Another term for a homosexual or gay.
"Dont go near him Steve, he plays the bandit"
by Link December 8, 2004
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Microsoft Word

write letterz n' shit, yo!
no example is needed, dude
by Link January 17, 2005
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A 'Trendy' is a person that wears the same as his/her ten mates.
For the male this normally involves slip on shoes, tight jeans and a shirt normally in a pastel shade or resembling your nans table cloth. His friend will be wearing the same but maybe a different coloured shirt if they are feeling adventurous.
They enjoy going into town on a saturday night to get drunk and then pick a fight with anyone on the way home.
The female, wearing various FCUK items, and looking like someone from Pop Idol, like her male counterparts, is often quite 'slutty' and brash and enjoys sex in alley ways.

Normally they have no individuality and the IQ of a Limpet with mental problems.
Person A: Look! There's a trendy who stands out from his mates.

Person B: Jesus H Christ!
by Link December 8, 2004
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