A faceless family thought to be socially and/or financially prosperous; poor folks try to emulate them.
"We livin' off mud pies and piss water, and you spend our life savings on a sable coat?" (20 MINUTES OF HO-SLAPPING COMMENCES). "Bitch, quit trying to keep up with the Joneses."
by sexie chocolate October 14, 2004
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to have a strong need, desire, or craving for something.
see also: jones
Sheeeit beeeitch after smokin' dat weed I'm jonesing for some grub!

Shaniqua is mad jonesing for Rasheed, dat bitch follow him around everywhere.
by Nick D March 19, 2003
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To perform poorly. To screw-up.
Dude...I f****n jonesed that mid-term.
by JBG1234567 October 17, 2010
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craving; wanting
I'm jonesing for some sushi.
by krystal August 14, 2003
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the act of needing something badly. Usually related to chemical dependency.
I've been jonesing for a joint all day.
by Grant November 8, 2002
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Exhibiting a strong craving or desire for something eaten, imbibed, or taken as a drug. Comes from opiate culture.
Man, I'm *really* jonesing for a cup of coffee right about now.
by Dennis October 10, 2003
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After Jones Alley, NYC 1960's. Craving for addiction.
by SLBear May 11, 2010
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