In describing a guy, the meaning would be to have muscles, or to have been lifting weights or working out.
by sodelicious5 April 18, 2008
by Nosco June 19, 2006
A dish made primarly in jail/prison consisting of a base usually of ramen noodles infused with cheese, cornchips, sausage, chili, tuna, etc.
by joemommat June 13, 2011
Instead of trolling someone's facebook page, this is the act of swolling it. To spam a friend(s) page with multiple phrases like "got swole? too swole. too much swole" repeatedly.
Friend 1. "Bro I was up swolling your page last night"
Friend 2. "I know. I got like 17 notifications."
Friend 2. "I know. I got like 17 notifications."
by tooswoleforyou666 July 31, 2011
The term used by a collegiate Caucasian human resources student assistant to claim a place within the ranks of human kind and failing to do so. Studies have shown that nobody with an IQ above 55 has actually ever used the word.
by The Talented Mr. H August 30, 2012
extremely jacked and buff. having a lot of muscle. having an amazing body. great at wrestling because of the definition of muscle owned. biceps big as a head. abs like a rock.
by nota person December 26, 2011
Someone who is buff or ripped. Usually the most badass person in the room is the swoll guy.
to be swoll you have to have a douchebaggish attitude and the muscle to back it up.
Swoll guys dont get drunk. they black out and get laid.
swoll is also a word to describe something badass
to be swoll you have to have a douchebaggish attitude and the muscle to back it up.
Swoll guys dont get drunk. they black out and get laid.
swoll is also a word to describe something badass
Damn did you see that guys muscle?? he's one swoll ass son of a bitch!
rob: aight we gotta take our creatine, hit the gym, then drink our protein when we get home.
steve: swoll.
rob: aight we gotta take our creatine, hit the gym, then drink our protein when we get home.
steve: swoll.
by KidSwoll August 3, 2009