A discord server full of Retarded "Journalist"
that make up Bullshit saying that Joe Mama is Transphobic
saying your a Mod for SJU is another way of you saying your Fatherless
SJU mod: Dad im a Mod for Social Justice United
Dad: Im Disowning you
by HistoricalFanatics January 26, 2022
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A situation where you make mistake related to social justice, which makes another person uncomfortable. You would like to apologize for it, but you feel like you can't because the individual would view you as being privileged and inconsiderate. The individual will likely not even hear you out or give you a chance to redeem yourself, because of their view of you being biased and unwilling to talk to people who they think are like that, even if those people are not actually that way at all. As result, you are never able to apologize, which causes you to have to carry some regret from the incident around with you for a long time.
I once liked a girl. I had a crush on her while I was in high school, but never had the guts to talk to her. A year or two after I graduated high school, I decided to try to at least be friends with her and tried to find her. I eventually found her and attempted to talk to her, but it came it all wrong because I never really thought about what I should say to her when I ran into her, which because she was a girl made it a difficult situation. I had unintentionally embarrassed her, but because of gender inequality it may never be possible to apologize to her, which makes this situation like a social justice dilemma. I still lug the regret of happened because of it today.
by Vanguard 1998 September 8, 2020
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People who make complete asses of themselves, they lack in basic manners and respect for other people, making everything in life unfun (censoring anything of course), saying you or anyone who's got the wrong thinking is a bigot (any different opinions to them all because you are being an individual thinker), they believe they are making the world a better place by harassing/bullying people & still think they are good people in everything they do! (but not really)
by Stank Stevo April 29, 2021
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Original definition; A person who is actually a bully that hides behind social justice to attack people. In recent years the term has come to mean anyone who;

1. Acknowledges that there is a rape culture

2. Doesn't believe that transgender people are mentally ill

3. Recognizes that white privilege exists

4. Admits that feminism is beneficial to society

In other words, the term has lost all meaning.
If telling someone that they shouldn't use autistic as an insult makes me a social justice warrior, I'll gladly own that label.
by queen_azure April 11, 2017
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A person who feels superior towards, and dislikes, the rest of humanity; and who tries to hide that fact by claiming that it's actually everybody else who feels superior toward and dislikes others.
A good Social Justice Warrior could even make Martin Luther King Jr feel guilty about being racist!
by BohemianBrat September 5, 2015
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The act of hollowing out an existing white male lead franchise, by disgracing and/or killing off the original lead and secondary characters, to be replaced with women, people of color, and/or another identity, but in a horribly political way to ruin the movie and potentially the entire franchise.
Social Justice Trope Examples:
1. John Connor was killed in Terminator Dark Fate, to make room for Dani Ramos to add diversity to the franchise, and the franchise was ended due to this and the other identity politics introduced.
2. Star Wars episode VII and VIII systematically disgraced and killed off both white male leads to make room for a totally non-white male cast, and suffered greatly for its subtle identity politics. Such as the, almost, off screen death Admiral Ackbar to make room for the only purple haired hunan woman in the universe Admiral Holdo.
by Ying Long November 6, 2019
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A very right-wing person, particularly equidistant from the center of the political spectrum to Social Justice Warriors, who defends right-wing beliefs openly. They are usually completely red pilled, and typically destroy SJWs by introducing scientific racism and cold facts into arguments. In doing so, they fearlessly and unboundedly offend their left-wing counterparts and totally degenerate normies while laughing their asses off.

Although the political craze is about the same as SJWs, they might be more subject to social alienation because of the current state of political views emanating from the mass media. Among their rational, mostly male, heterosexual friends, they are usually well respected as a defender of the nuclear family and traditional values, and they are very intelligent people overall who have likely not been raised to become what they have become.

They are the most socially trained because they must deduct the nature of their conversation partners before they reveal any information about what they truly believe. A true SJA knows how and when to play his neo-nazi beliefs, and must properly conceal but slowly infect the minds of his close associates until he is sure that they will laugh along with him as he assassinates SJWs.

They are usually called "Justice Assassins" and rely heavily on their down-to-earth squad to protect their fantastic radiance.
Ryan: I swear, yesterday, I saw John absolutely destroy this pink-hair SJW
Drake: I fucking love that neo-nazi Social Justice Assassin
Ryan: But I totally thought he was a liberal
Drake: He is really good at hiding himself
Ryan: Thank God not everyone on this campus is a totally degenerate liberal
by Justice Assassin September 25, 2016
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