17 definitions by queen_azure

A misspelling of butt sex favored by 13 year old boys. Often used as an insult in online flame wars.
ZOMG! ne body who lykez p0p m00sic has teh buttsecks!
by queen_azure February 18, 2008
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1. Britspeak for cigarettes

2. A derisive term for homosexual males
by queen_azure February 13, 2008
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1.The act of penetrating someone anally.

2. Peter Griffin's campfire song!
There once were two cowboys all alone out on the trail , and they discovered they could sleep with another male , they were havin' butt sex...cowboy butt sex.....

Sodomyyyyyyyy , sodomyyyyyyy.....sodomy.
by queen_azure January 29, 2008
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The sign that runs from May 21st to June 20th. Although nice and likable people they possess traits/behaviors commonly associated with bipolar disorder.
Several people in my life are gemini ,'nuff said :D
by queen_azure January 23, 2010
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An obese caucasian male who knows WAY too much about star wars , D&D and the like. The ugly cousin of cat piss man.
The comic shop in my area has too many fatbeards.
by queen_azure March 11, 2008
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The main character of FFX. A white guy with Asian features. Tidus is somewhat ditzy but humorous.
I dunno why people disliked Tidus , he cracked me up.
by queen_azure January 11, 2008
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