stupid, dumbass, worthy of getting punched in the balls, monkey, the action of getting punched in the balls
your so skew, your such a skew, GAH YOU SKEWED ME!
by will and taylor October 4, 2004
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An alternative to the redneck slang yee yee
Beat my wife cause she looks like my cousin skew brother! -lil cumtism
by demo7241 December 3, 2021
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The mindset of viewing things through a new, or skewed, perspective; looking at things from a different angle; the act of not following the crowd.
My life has greatly improved ever since I’ve had a skewed perspective.
by kerylteith May 24, 2022
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Dishevelled, rakish, disorderly, or unkempt. Used of hair, neck ware, or one's general disposition. Opposite of "rectilinear-biff." Origin unknown, but possibly derived from a misunderstanding of "skew-wiff." Usage peculiar to Brasenose College, Oxford.
"My word, Terence, with your tie at that angle, and your obvious bed-head, you're looking unusually skew-biff!"

"Don't worry: I get myself rectilinear in no time."
by Mercurius Oxoniensis June 7, 2009
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Turned or twisted toward one side. Common usage in the UK.
William Shatner's toupe was less than convincing as it was frequently skew-whiff.
by w00fdawg November 7, 2005
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All messy, disheveled. Colloquial British term somehow derived from "askew."
"Her hair was all skew-wiff; she looked like she'd just woken up."
by zooa November 3, 2003
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