by JizzyJake38 December 2, 2010
Just like the Eiffel Tower, where two guys hi-five while both being pleasured by one female, the Sistine Chapel includes one more female. Both couples are in doggy style, with the girls making out in the middle, and since the guys are too far apart to hi-five, they instead resort to a finger tip touch, much like God and Adam.
"Did you hear about the orgy last night? Corey and Tyler totally pulled off the Sistine Chapel with Kendall and Bella last ."
by WP-Brotein November 19, 2015
Joe: "I sistine chapeled that Huck girl last night."
Cody: "REALLY? how was she?!?"
Joe: "Just alright"
Cody: "REALLY? how was she?!?"
Joe: "Just alright"
by The Pussy Monster meOWW January 2, 2011
Sandy always wants me to give her a warning before I come, but fuck that. I gave her a steaming hot sistine chapel surprise. Scrape your teeth again, bitch.
by whatisdelicious May 4, 2011
by frggerz January 15, 2023
When a man takes such a massive shit that he must flush the toilet half way through and then continue shitting because he's afraid that the turds will pile up so high in the bowl that they may make contact with his junk as it hangs down into the toilet. Much like the fingers of Adam and God on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.
Guy1: dude why'd you flush twice did it really smell that bad?
Guy2: nah man it was a Sistine Chapel Shit.
Guy1: ahh!!! I See.
Guy2: nah man it was a Sistine Chapel Shit.
Guy1: ahh!!! I See.
by Yahbo October 29, 2010
The act of double finger blasting a girl with your close friend. His finger is in her buttand yours is in the vagina and you can feel the tips of your fingers touching through her
by BroncoBilly November 11, 2017