A sexy, handsome, sweet, caring, sensitive beast. A well dressed boss that pulls all the ladies.
How does he get so many girls? Oh, he's just a Sjors
by SP03 March 6, 2012
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Ben rapper sjors, ben een beest
Altijd los, altijd feest
by rapper sjors April 7, 2018
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rapper sjors heeft een broodje pindakaas gegeten
by kanker dom January 26, 2018
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A nice word to describe a person with a condition of Small-Penis-syndrom.
Person 1: I was with a SJOR in bed last night.

Person 2: I feel sorry for you.
by WTCSMF May 28, 2017
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Alternating between violently beating your meat and slow masturbation every 5 seconds. Sjorring is sometimes used as a ceremony to prove that a friend group is close to eachother. The people participating will try to synchronise their meat beating so that a rythim is formed.
Bro 1: Should we test the new kid by sjorring tonight?
Bro 2: Yeah for sure, if he can't keep up he is gone.
by Bigblackbloy October 11, 2018
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When your friend promised you not to hook up with strangers anymore, but does so anyway
“I went home with that cute guy last night.”
“Oh I thought you didn’t do that anymore?”
“Yeah I pulled a dirty Sjors
by Jekankermoeder June 15, 2020
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it's a hashtag where people starve for the poor sjors. hes anorexic.
Ty: I am hungry.
Tommy: You can't eat until Sjors ate something.
Ty: Fuck starving for sjors
by disgusting tommy September 30, 2017
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