An amazing, gorgeous person with the biggest heart in the whole wide world. He only dates sexy gorgeous models and has a huge cock.
Damn Ty is fucking hot.
by Jelly666 March 28, 2018
The sweetest, caring guy to ever come across in your life. Has a great sense of humour, a bit shy but once you get to know him he can be pretty chill. Isn't much of a fighting person. Very loveable and nice.
by just_that_one_girl February 2, 2018
Is the smartest, kindest,most hardest working person you will find. He is also a great chef and baker.
by Bass clarinet boss August 26, 2018
Ty, Ty’s are usually handsome,nice, smart, and easy to fall in love with. He is a guy that loves sports(soccer) If a Ty falls in love with you, you are very lucky, he will treat you with respect, kindness, and lots of compliments. When you fall in love with a Ty it’s like nothing else matters, if he says something to you as a friend or more (for example”You’re so pretty,”) it will be like it’s the most ancredable thing in the world. Ty if you are reading this....I love you....Gabi R. ( if you do read this it’s gonna be VERY awkward)
by Gabi❤️💗❤️💗 January 15, 2018
Ty is the cutest, hottest and kindest guy you will ever meet. He is very caring and lovable. If you meet him you will fall in love. For sureeeee
by I really really like you July 26, 2017
The sweetest, caring guy to ever come across in your life. Has a great sense of humour, a bit shy but once you get to know him he can be pretty chill. Isn't much of a fighting person. Very loveable and nice. But his other side is crazy and outgoing and will beat anybody the fuck up if they test him.
Ty George
by MoltenTy July 9, 2019