Every person with red hair vows their life to loving the color green. They spend there day counting grass blades and attempting to communicate with worms using sounds waves that their millions of red antlers signal off the top of their head.
The Redheaded-code can control the life of all red headed people.
by X Æ A-12 August 19, 2020
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Just like pretty privilege it’s just for gingers/redheads only
I have redhead privilege
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Better than everyone and is fiesty smart and happy will kick ur butt. Always turned down by boys to date them. No or too much self confidence and very extra. Too amazing to have their own emoji
Person:ugh ur hair is so ugly
Redhead girl:ur just mad that my hair can be found in the rainbow and urs can only be found in dirt 💅
by RedGurl17 September 7, 2021
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