Short for "mother I'd like to fuck". It is a term for a woman who is the mother of someone your age, who you'd like to have sex with. The term was popularised by the movie "American Pie" (1999).
I don't like my new class mate, but his mother is hot. She's a MILF.
by EliasG July 17, 2018
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Moms I'd Like to Fund

This is the new definition of MILF. It comes from a crypto project on binance smart chain that is focused on charity. A tax is applied on every trade to Fund charities helping Moms and women around the world. Go to to learn more about it
I am going to buy some MILF today ! I am going to be a MILFionnaire and also Fund some Moms in the process !
by clemh June 1, 2021
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A super hot mum that you'd like to f**k.


Mother I'd Like to F**k
Guy 1: Matt's Mum is a total MILF
Every other Guy: Yup...mmm
by Richie Johnson February 8, 2006
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Shay's mom is the farthest thing from a MILF.
by ShayBayy July 23, 2008
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The acronym; Mother I'd Like to Fuck.
"Damn, you see that hottie pushing the stroller?"
"Yeah, she's a MILF!"
by Barbie305 December 11, 2007
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M-I-L-F Mother I'd Like to Fuck
Damn she is one hot MILF.
by Ron August 5, 2003
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