Intentionally being abrasive towards a situation or normally an individual.

Not overly going with what they’re saying.
Why are you pressing me for I said it was chill.
by Creps November 9, 2019
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D: Hey Jun, how was the class? Was it pressful?

J: urrrrr...Those kids drove me CRAZY!
by Diaoism June 2, 2011
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When Andres is getting angry or mad that his WAP squad is mopping up W's without him.
On September 27th 2020, WAPs got a FAT DUB, and Andres was pressed.
by Firebigtuna September 28, 2020
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poked, shagged, boned, penertrated, fucked
Don't take it out on me cuz your girl got pressed by a next man
by simon45 October 26, 2008
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To give press- to have sex
i gave him/her press
by holzandbeava February 24, 2005
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To make a fool of someone else; To be made a fool of; To prove wrong; To embarrass/be embarrassed; Total and undeniable dominance over a person.
by Rnips May 28, 2010
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He got pressed by the whole gang in the prison shower.
by Edward Norton March 28, 2005
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