Typically describing deomcrats who support Barack Obama.
"Hillary who? I am an Obamacrat this year."
by MikeWomack February 11, 2008
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Those who became interested in politics as a result of the high profile Presidential campaign in 2008, and who have now suddenly become disengaged from politics again.
Obamacrats haven't become involved Democrats.
by DenverJohn W October 9, 2009
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someone who voted for Barack Obama because he is supposedly cool or because he is black
AKA: someone that doesn't know anything about politics or Obama's platform at all
Joe: Who are you voting for?
Bob: Obama
Joe: Why?
Bob: I dunno, he's cool n McCain would die in office
Joe: Wow ur an Obamacrat
by Reaganomix April 7, 2009
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Person who claims to be liberal, democratic, supporter of the democratic party, etc. when in reality this person loves Obama and more crucially has an entirely internet created opinion. This person has no idea what the values of Liberals or Democrats are and despite the name actually have no idea what Obama stands for, is working on now or sometimes what his job is. This person will verbally attack any Republicans under the impression they are fundamentalist, anti-gay, sexist, racist, elitist, hillbilly, fascist, retarded, evil, diabolical or any words they may have seen on iFunny or various other websites on any particular day. Despite having a love for Obama, they constantly blame the government for their troubles. They do not know the function of Congress, only that Congress is basically the gathering of Sith Lords and is the reason bad things happen in America or anywhere in the world. When they disagree with Obama they should be hanged, as questioning the president is of course not the job written for Congress in the Constitution.

(These people make up 20-30% of the American population. They vary from Democrats greatly, as Democrats are people who believe in large government, changes in tradition and stricter regulations. These people love facts and support their party's president but look at his decisions logically)
Republican: You are not worth arguing with
Democrat: I swear this is not my whole party
by TheMeyorXYX April 8, 2014
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An Obamacrat is what a republican wants to be when it grows up.
by Thygeekgoddess May 4, 2017
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Anyone believing that Obama belongs in the Democratic party, rather than the fascist or socialst parties. anyone who is ignorant enough to believe that 'too much free speech is a bad thing,' that the majority of those who disagree with Obama-care are simply racist, or that the man is even remotely qualified to run a McDonald's, let alone a country.
"God, I wish all these fucking Obamacrats would grow up and realize that printing more money isn't going to fix anything."
"Hey, Obamacrats, I'll take my guns, money and first amendment rights, you can keep the change."
by urdoingitwrong! October 4, 2009
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A high level bureaucrat appointed by the president and is only accountable to the president. See czar.
The President just appointed another Obamacrat today. He's called the Czar Czar.
by kintari June 12, 2009
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