Verb- To Joust:
a.To screw someone over.
b.To overdo something.
c.To want something really bad.

"Dog you really jousted me on that dub sack, It was like a bowl and a half at best"

"Your two hours late, why'd you joust me like that?"
by Highena April 8, 2009
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A medieval sport where two men ride at each other on horseback wielding a large pole.
Henry VIII enjoyed jousting with Phillip
by Tingwallerwaller February 13, 2008
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1. A medieval contest of arms wherein two knights, each armed with a lance and mounted on his noble destrier, ride hellbent at one another with the objective of poking the other fellow with the tip of their lance.

2. When two men make simultaneous sexual entry into the same orifice.
1. Sir Lancelot was unbeatable in the joust.

2. The two porn actors had a joust in her juicy pussy.
by Figleaf23 January 20, 2009
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To sniff powder drugs from a metallic 'lance' - a key, or spoon.

This essential Northern English verb takes its singular name from the Medieval martial display, and like the knights of old, today consumption of the finest powders requires stamina, endurance, and audacity.
Fancy a joust of K?

I was thoroughly jousted last night.

To joust or not to joust, that is the question.
by Seductionizer June 25, 2017
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Falling for an etremely obvious trick, joke, or lie.
"How'd you hurt your ankle again?"
-Jousting in the State Fair last summer.
"Really? Wow, I didn't know you jousted."
-Nah I was kidding.
"I hate you!"
-You just got jousted!!!
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A term originated from the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney, Australia, meaning to reproduce with a female in a public arena. The term is derived from the medievil jousting contest, which was a public affair, viewed by thousands.
"Uh Steve, what were you doing in the park at 5 in the morining?"
"Jousting with Lenore"
by Bsyw October 24, 2006
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