i tend to overdo things often, i tried contacting my therapist about it but she said its natural
by hal0fan May 10, 2022
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To have had so many girl scout cookies that one is in need of medical attention.
Don't sell me any more Samoas; this would be the third time time this month I overdo-si-doed.
by BrittleSkittle March 7, 2016
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Falaron: "Hopefully I can get the mug overfilled by voting yes on the definition of 'Help me severely overdo the text box for the mug ad below this definition so it looks funny' and then buy it."
Exalothorn: "I doubt it, but hey, it's worth a shot!"
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Exageratte something
Do not overdo your feelings
by JC_ROASTER November 19, 2017
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1) To show off, brag or boast.

2) To exaggerate something . For example, a complaint, fashion, makeup etc.
1) Damn, girl you’re overdoing it! Your makeup is on point! 😍

2) 6ix 9ine is always overdoing it on social media.

3) These Fake eye lashes nowadays are definitely overdoing it.
by Livish November 23, 2021
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