
Short for marijuana edible: Any edible product that contains THC. Some of the most common edibles include brownies, cookies, space cake, and firecrackers. Although it varies from person to person, edibles tend to result in a much more intense and longer-lasting high than smoking. After consuming an edible, it generally takes 45-60 minutes (sometimes longer, again, it depends upon the individual) for one to start feeling the effects.
Friend 1: "Do you have any edibles?"
Friend 2: " Yeah, I have some hash cookies."
Friend 1: "Sweet. Those brownies we ate last week got me so messed up."
by Each Peach Pear Plum April 21, 2009
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If you can swallow it and you don't die, it's edible.
Hmm...I don't think a flaming sword is edible.
by B-rizzad September 11, 2006
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Any material substance which can be consumed without causing harm or death.
Hey, I eat flowers and weeds.

Is that edible?

Yes, I have not died yet.
by nourozi April 10, 2012
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1) Fit for human consumption, hopefully not laced with poison.
2) Idea originally came from a family board game called Cranium. It was from a card of which the statement suggested one had to perform with silent actions, based on charades. This can have amusing pleasurable outcomes:
1) Food

2) 'Excuse me. I do believe my blood sugars are exceedingly low. I'm just going to sample this edible underwear. Hope you don't mind.'
by aquavivat May 8, 2005
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The top tier in the Girl hotness chart above smashables. An edible female is a girl that is so hot that you would lick her copperspot without any hesitation there are no girls hotter than edibles. Many believe that girls of this magnitude are too good for toilet paper and commonly offer their tongue for the Girl to wipe there bum with
That girl is straight edible, Toilet Paper is way to abrasive for that sweet Copperspot
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1) Fit for human consumption, hopefully not poisonous.
3) Currently mentioned in a game called cranium. The card suggests the player to perform the object (Edible Underwear) on the card with silent actions only. Here's what it led to:
Person: 'Excuse me, I do believe my blood sugars are low. I'm just going to sample this edible underwear. Hope you don't mind.'
by aquavivat May 8, 2005
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Heyy do you know the edibility of this penis?
by Chezzinessh_Hayleynessh March 10, 2009
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