When your playing golf and you take the shittest shot.
Swinging the club super hard but the ball only moves 4 feet. Fucking douged it.
by Mestry1 May 22, 2021
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Similar to a patio which is a paved outdoor area adjoining a house, a douge is a paved or stone outdoor area that is away from or separate from a house. Typically in a garden area or around a fire pit. It often resembles a forgotten or hidden pathway, but is actually mantained to create this look.
by Stella Blanco May 4, 2020
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To get completely drunk to where one would expose their naked ass's or see people
Damn, doug got so douged he exposed himself to dara.
by Mike November 19, 2004
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To insert entire fist into the vagina or anus. (Named after the MLB pitcher Doug Fister)
"I gave your sister her first douging yesterday and now she won't stop calling me."

"This girl I was with last night was so loose I had to double doug her just to get her off..."
by The douger August 30, 2013
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Outercourse performed by parallel and not perpendicular genital motion. Pronounced "dooging".
Seriously, douging is better than dome!

by Zephyrus June 23, 2006
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v. To Bitch at somebody when you don't get your way
Man, he's Douging just because Randy doesn't want to give him the Xbox
by Xakarm September 7, 2008
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A zit that you have tried to pop, but now it just consumes your face.
"Dude, what's that on your face?"

"Oh, you know, just a Doug."
by Pseudonym747485 November 30, 2012
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