When you masturbate so many times in one day that, at climax, you ejaculate nothing but air (also known as a ghost load).
Man, I beat it so many times yesterday that I was just dickfarting by the seventh time!
by DeAndre Coleman III December 20, 2013
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A self-important man who doesn't command the respect that he believes he does and therefore is not taken seriously by his peers and cohorts.

Often, as means to extract comedic value from a dickfart, he will be led to believe that his misbegotten status is legitimate, further making his false sense of authority appear that much more absurd.
I can't believe that dickfart just tried to tell us all how to do our jobs. How can he think he has any credibility when he doesn't even prepare for the meeting?
by hinder90 February 23, 2010
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dickfart is the term used to describe the air bubbles that leak with cum from the head of the penis after ejaculation..
" jim is having a dickfart, as the cum bubbles drip"
by Cuntessa May 10, 2006
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The result of inserting a straw into your urethera and inflating your bladder with air in order to expel it in a man kweef of utter devastation. Best applied at close range and post coitus.
Dude, it's called a dickfart. It's kind of self explanitory.
by BJ Giacco November 16, 2007
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a dick fart is when gay men are having sex and when 1 guys dick is n the other guys ass then the guy with the dick in his ass farts
When deuce and dustin were having gay sex deuce dickfarted when dustins dick was in his ass.
by rejioa November 26, 2007
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