A son of a bitch who is a professor at the University of Colorado. What nerve this asshole has to compare people who died in the World Trade Center on that terrible, destructive day to Nazis! What this "man" spews out is not free speech, but HATE speech. So who's the REAL Nazi now?
Sarah, I'm glad you broke up with that guy; he was always such a Ward Churchill to you.
by Republican Warrior February 24, 2005
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An America-hating, liberal antagonizer who apparently thinks he's right to deliver hate speech to audiences about 9/11 victims.
What pisses me off even more is that he claims to be a Native American; which, as a REAL Native American, I find to be very insulting. If he were a real Native, he wouldn't hate the land that his ancestors have held for several thousand years.
Ward Churchill, may the Lord have mercy on your pathetic, worthless soul.
by Proud Native February 24, 2005
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Hate to say it, but he's kind of right
We Americans need to look at the things we've done to other countries before we invade others because of the things that have been done to us
by Dillon Farnum March 22, 2005
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I've never heard of that guy but reading all those things said about him here makes me think it's a good guy.
America r t3h suxx, Europe > j00!!!22twotwo
by Amar van Leeuwaarde February 27, 2005
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british leader during WWII, tried covering up for Neville Chamberlain, who fucked up so bad it wasn't funny, then, but now it's fucking hilerious
"would you like some tea?"
"I would, cuz I'm Winston Churchill"
"would you like some crumpets?"
"I would, cuz I'm Winston Churchill"

Peter Griffin
by Scott Blake May 24, 2005
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An excellent scholar and truth-teller who has written many books and published many volumes.
Ward Churchill is correct when he states that if the U.S. exports pummels sovereign peoples in places like Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Grenada, Panama, Nicaragua, etc. we can expect that "some people are going to push back."
by Alex February 27, 2005
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