19 definitions by Republican Warrior

Something that I have in me; my not being or supporting homosexuality. It is great to be a straight (see heterosexual) and be a member of the moral majority!
I have hetero-pride and I voted YES on the same sex marriage amendment.
by Republican Warrior July 10, 2005
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A semi-Communist; an ultra-liberal. People who may or may not support Anarchy. Usually hates the Republican Party and Conservatives, and typically despises George W. Bush (or George Bush).
Most Pinkos support Communism or Anarchy. They love to bash and hate anyone who isn't liberal or doesn't agree with their radical ideas.
by Republican Warrior April 22, 2005
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Another nickname and sometimes insult for the Confederate soldiers who fought for the South during the War of Rebellion from 1861-1865. See also Civil War. This name refers to how these people seceded from the Union. See also secession.
Line from the movie Glory: "You see, Secesh has to be swept away by the hand of God..."
by Republican Warrior May 2, 2005
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The largest city and capital of Massachusetts. It is also the biggest metropolis in New England. One of America's oldest major cities, Boston is nicknamed "The Hub of the Universe".
Boston is popular for beer (more specifically Samuel Adams), the world-famous accent, Cheers, the all-black 54th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment (Civil War), Dennis Leary, the 2004 World Series Champions: The Boston Red Sox, and the popular 1970s-2000s arena rock band of the same name: Boston.
Boston would be a perfect city if it wasn't so liberal.
by Republican Warrior May 26, 2005
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A son of a bitch who is a professor at the University of Colorado. What nerve this asshole has to compare people who died in the World Trade Center on that terrible, destructive day to Nazis! What this "man" spews out is not free speech, but HATE speech. So who's the REAL Nazi now?
Sarah, I'm glad you broke up with that guy; he was always such a Ward Churchill to you.
by Republican Warrior February 24, 2005
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A people that claim to stand up for America by slandering and bashing President George W. Bush, backing up foreign powers who don't agree with stopping terrorism and dictatorous regimes, attacking anyone who voted for Bush and voted YES on the Same-Sex Marriage Amendment, and judging people for not liking abortion.
In addition, some of them are strong advocates for gun control, are devout in their anti-war standings, and quite a few don't even care about our troops.
The lame-o-crats need to realize that they have the right to bitch about and bash all right-wingers because our boys and our girls are over there fighting the terrorists and other Muslim fanatics so they can have that right to bitch and bash!
by Republican Warrior February 18, 2005
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Misspelling the name of Our great president: George W. Bush. This is usually how quite a few morons who attack Bush and call him illiterate, a retard, a redneck, and a warmonger will actually spell it. Shows how much they know.
Calling the President stupid while spelling his name "Geroge W. Bush" is hypocritical.
by Republican Warrior February 27, 2005
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