28 definitions by The Midwestrn Soldier

The very noticeable feature in the center of a person's face that enables one to have the sense of smell. When a person has a cold or allergies, this sloping facial structure usually gets the worst of it. Noses come in various shapes and sizes, some big or small, others fat or long and skinny.
I find girls with long noses to be attractive.
by The Midwestrn Soldier March 25, 2005
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A NFL football team that is based in Indianapolis, one of the nations largest and greatest cities. The Colts are also famous for they're beating the Green Bay Packers.
You know the Colts are a good team when they can defeat the Packers.
by The Midwestrn Soldier November 18, 2004
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A great place to live and raise a family in my opinion. It is one of the southernmost cities in the Midwest located on the banks of the Mighty Ohio River, and is a large town with strong family values and great moral standards. O-Town, or the River City, is part of the Tri-State area that encompasses southeastern Illinois, southern Indiana, and northwestern Kentucky
I love you, Owensboro.
by The Midwestrn Soldier February 27, 2005
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The great leader that all the liberals attack, many by getting on this site and posting hate speech about him. I wonder if they'd even try to say it to his face.
A large number of these whiney bitches who bitch and complain about Bush just because he is the president for the SECOND term probably didn't even go and vote.
by The Midwestrn Soldier December 9, 2004
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A large North American nation that should not hate the United States, and in turn, the United States should not hate Canada. Our two countries are supposed to be Allies; War of 1812 history be damned. They have fought on our side. For example, they joined the fray during the Korean War (1950-1953)
Why can't the US and Canada just get along? We are brothers, and we should act like we are brothers, too.
by The Midwestrn Soldier February 2, 2005
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Plural for muslim. These are the majority of the people who live in the Middle East. Though many of them really are peaceful, good people, a lot more of them despise America, and some of those are Islamic Terrorists. The ultimate goal for these particular muslims is the destruction of the Western World as well as the Jewish and Christian faiths.
A Record of Islamic Terrorism
-Muslims attacked the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center with their hijacked airliners, successfully destroying them, much to the satisfaction of their sick desires.
-Muslims severely damaged the U.S.S. Cole off the coast of Yemen.
-Muslims attacked Army Rangers in Somolia, inspiring Black Hawk Down.
-Muslims have constantly been attacking the poor Israelites, for being Jews in a mostly Muslim land mass (the Middle East.)
-Muslims launched terror attacks on Madrid, Spain.
-Muslims destroyed part of the Pentagon in Washington, D.C.
-Muslims blew up American Embassies in North Africa and the Middle East.
-Muslims have launched terror attacks in the subway system of London, England (Most recently.)
by The Midwestrn Soldier July 9, 2005
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