A person who insists that they are "neither left nor right," but will near-exclusively attack the left and defend the right.
by Kallofox July 27, 2023
An Enlightened Centrist/Moderate is a nickname given to mock certain political commentators who call themselves centrists, when their rhetoric suggests otherwise. Unlike typical centrists, who are more balanced with their views and oppose political extremes, Enlightened Centrists use their platform to almost exclusively attack the left while never attacking the right. They go to such lengths to defend any right wing position, that they even do dishonest research and present misinformation that serves a right-wing viewpoint. They don't give the left any charitable interpretation of what they say and often straw man and gaslight the left, especially when the left is calling out alt-right propaganda. These types of centrists have also proven to be Useful idiots for the alt-right, often jumping to the defense of alt-right figures who spin any challenge or opposition to their rhetoric or punishment for their actions as an "attack on free speech". This type of gullibility and manipulation has been proven to be a recruiting method for the alt-right as is presents the alt-righters as misunderstood centrists themselves, who are being silenced by the "evil SJWs", causing the Enlightened Centrist's audience to become sympathetic towards them, and eager to visit their platform, where the radicalization will take place. Enlightened Cenrists are centrists in name only, and should not be trusted.
Person 1: The "OK" hand-sign has been co-opted by white supremacists and has been turned into a racist dog whistle
Person 3: No, Person 1 didn't say the okay the "OK" hand-sign is racist, but that racist have turned it into a signal. You Enlightened Centrist types really need to stop being so gullible
Person 3: No, Person 1 didn't say the okay the "OK" hand-sign is racist, but that racist have turned it into a signal. You Enlightened Centrist types really need to stop being so gullible
by SkateWRes May 27, 2019
To be someone with high class, to understand both sides of the political spectrum. A Radical Centrist is usually someone who is interested in politics, they acknowledge the difficulties of both sides without being ignorant to another side.
by wassupimnotfarhanwhywouldibe March 10, 2021
the increased ability to focus on more than on aspect of a stimulus in an infant ages between 7 to 12 years of age.
They can understand the concept of grouping.
They can understand the concept of grouping.
by Saymou bestie January 17, 2015
What political extremists call someone who proposed a reasonable and valid idea or opinions that the extremist cannot argue or refute because the person was right. Instead of opening dialogue about the topic or presenting evidence that disputes the persons the extremists shuts down the conversation by saying that their opinion isn’t valid because it’s “enlightened centrist bullshit.”
In the USA most often used by the progressive extremists in response to any criticism of their ideals, often defended as “morally” correct. Though uncommon, can and is used by conservative extremists in response to criticisms of their ideals, often defended as “tradition.”
In the USA most often used by the progressive extremists in response to any criticism of their ideals, often defended as “morally” correct. Though uncommon, can and is used by conservative extremists in response to criticisms of their ideals, often defended as “tradition.”
Person 1: *valid and logical opinion or arguement*
Person 2: (shit this guy is right but it goes against my narrow and self righteous world view) SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU ENLIGHTENED CENTRIST NO ONE CARES
Person 2: (shit this guy is right but it goes against my narrow and self righteous world view) SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU ENLIGHTENED CENTRIST NO ONE CARES
by Goddamnitallmynamesaretaken July 3, 2022
The political affiliation which uses logical methods for understanding the various polarizing arguments and rationale; but focus on the majority political desire for a shared agenda of logic and inclusion.
I can understand why our country has both alt-right & extreme-left political affiliations and heritage; but I am always trying to stay a LOGIC-CENTRIST. Because it’s already the majority of this country’s people held beliefs.
by Major Thomas Randle August 21, 2018
Someone who, when discussing the issue of politics, believes that both (or all) sides of the political spectrum are equally bad and imcompitent in every way. This is often caused by a lack of political knowledge, the lack of care towards politics as a whole, or propaganda used to make a political party look worse than it actually is.
In contrast, traditional centrists vote for who they believe is a better candidate regardless of political position and use nuance and reasoning to determine who is worse.
In contrast, traditional centrists vote for who they believe is a better candidate regardless of political position and use nuance and reasoning to determine who is worse.
Jimmy claimed he would not vote during this election because "both candidates are equally bad" despite one wanting to make billionaires pay more taxes and the other being extremely racist and sexist. It's pretty clear who's worse, he's just a radical centrist.