1. An attractive couple that have money, fame and beauty yet are still universally hated by everyone.
1. A horrible combination that may ultimately bring about the apocalypse.
2. Combination of two things that seperately suck but when put together can achieve a level of sucking not understood by physics.
1. An attractive couple that have money, fame and beauty yet are still universally hated by everyone.
1. A horrible combination that may ultimately bring about the apocalypse.
2. Combination of two things that seperately suck but when put together can achieve a level of sucking not understood by physics.
I got suckered into watching that bennifer movie and I started bleeding from the ears and eyes, which was a relief as then I couldn't see or hear the damn movie.
by Black August 1, 2003
A combination consisting of 50% Benjamin Geza Affleck, and 50% Jennifer Lynn Lopez, referred to as a single entity: Bennifer. Also known as Bennifer Lofleck, or Bennifer Affpez.
by Fuckyouyoufuckinfuck November 1, 2003
by Harry Chapman May 9, 2005
A predictable process between two people that begins with a white guy and latino woman appearing in a crappy movie together, screwing, getting engaged, planning a wedding, postponing it, then officially canceling it, and then never speaking again.
by Joe John Jacobs September 18, 2003
1.The former relationship between BEN Affleck and jennIFER Lopez as it was dubbes by the media.
2.The reinvention of the phrase brought on by the new relationship between BEN Affleck and jennIFER Garner.
2.The reinvention of the phrase brought on by the new relationship between BEN Affleck and jennIFER Garner.
by YM January 29, 2005
Probably the funniest coupple in Hollywood history, right up there with the two individuals who were married for 6 hours back in 1919.
by miss sarcastic September 29, 2003
A couple made up of a Latina and a Boston dunce who get married for the sole purpose of getting more attention to boost their careers. They also complain about the amount of attention they get because they know that this action will ultimately get them more attention.
by Susan September 14, 2003