Owners of most of the rendering plants used to make pet food. They are all multi-millionaires, but you wouldn't know it to look at them.
by Alfie The Horndog February 1, 2008
A group of religious people who think that shiny things or clothes that are any color other than black and white will get you a one way ticket to hell. They believe that drawing attention to themselves is a sin, yet their very existence causes people to stare at them. Some can have tractors but they can't have rubber tires on them, because God hates tires. Their women have no idea what a razor blade or a tampon is. Electricity is evil.
I saw this Amish chick in the grocery store the other day. She had more hair on her legs than a mountain gorilla and smelled like a beached carp.
by shartner January 27, 2013
by GeoffreyG May 28, 2005
Pennsylvania-Dutch people who wear black clothing, ride horses-and-buggies and believe that electicity is the spawn of Satan.
by Me August 16, 2003
by frigocking October 23, 2005
by Piznimp October 22, 2003
by parkbeth August 10, 2009