An image thats created or rendered with a computer. There are mostly 3D renderings.
Graphics apps sometimes have different renderers or rendering engines. Some of these are able to produce photorealistic images.
Graphics apps sometimes have different renderers or rendering engines. Some of these are able to produce photorealistic images.
idiot: Whoar look! Thats sum cool renders!11!
professor: Its "renderings" you fool! A computer renders to produce renderings. Have I rendered myself clear?
professor: Its "renderings" you fool! A computer renders to produce renderings. Have I rendered myself clear?
by nitpric January 29, 2010
A Band defined by Rock and Industrial genera as well as Electronica, Heavy Alternative tendencies.
by Renderic July 29, 2008
by red*fox November 8, 2003
to savagely fuck somebody up
by KingKoopster April 18, 2013
In 3D Computer Graphics, creating an image (usually bitmap/pixel based) from a 3D virtual construction (a model) by calculating the way lights and other factors will affect the model in question.
by MichaelMick June 17, 2005
A word used to describe someone very, very drunk.
See also wasted, hammered, sloshed, pissed, tanked, ad infinitum.
See also wasted, hammered, sloshed, pissed, tanked, ad infinitum.
by El Duque June 18, 2004
by Diggity Monkeez April 24, 2005