To be completely and wholly dominated, usually through some form of violence or physical action, without contest, in a very short amount of time. The person being owned is almost always caught unaware. Often shouted out loud by viewing audience.
Zidane owned Materazzi with a headbutt in front of approximately two billion people during the World Cup.
by eDs101 July 11, 2006
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Owning the arse harsh,or being the owner of something,Meh and sometimes pwning :)
Have you seen Kyle got owned by Conor in the bum?
by Scalper August 27, 2005
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Generic gaming slang referring to a scenario where a player or any other target is destroyed or significantly damaged in a very efficient manner. Often used to refer to a humiliation.
"Haha you owned that guy big time"
by THE MASKED GOON December 30, 2005
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Guy 1 : Did you just see Chuck Norris own Mr. T's ass?
Guy 2 : Yeah im not really suprised.
by bestusername June 26, 2009
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to prove someone wrong or insult them in a way they can't comeback
'your stupid' said bob 'well at least i aren't retarded' replied steve!

( steve just owned bob )
by !"£ November 9, 2008
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To have control over, ie. in cracking, to have gained root- or administrator-level access to one's computer, by (for instance) installing a trojan-horse program thereupon, exploiting a security loophole in its operating system, or socially-engineering access to its password. (Often the domain of script-kiddies and malicious crackers, rather than "hackers" of the creative type.)
"I own your box."
"The computers at the school lab are now owned."
by Ilan March 14, 2005
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The New Orleans Saints and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers owns the Chicago Bears. I own the Bears, they are my b-----s.
by Saints October 13, 2003
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