When we talk about "abuse" in real life, it usually comes in three forms: physical, sexual, and emotional. Since you can't physically nor sexually abuse someone over the internet, the abuse is perpetrated through the medium of a keyboard, with typed words. Ergo, trolling is a form of emotional/psychological abuse over the internet, and the intent is almost always to incite a "negative" emotional reaction in a person or group of people, which is usually nourishing and entertaining to the troll himself (and his audience) by way of humor and amusement.

I look back at what I used to do for fun on those lonely Friday and Saturday nights and realize how truly pathetic a life I was living. I had no social life, had never had a girlfriend or gotten laid, had substituted my mundane reality for a virtual reality, bought IP-altering software just for account bannings, and was just an all-around unhappy asshole who loved ruining otherwise happy peoples' days and bringing down their moods to the shitty one I was constantly experiencing. The reality is that, just as with real life emotional abusers, most trolls suffer from one or more various personality disorders (usually narcissism) and/or an inferiority complex, low self-esteem, and depression, as I was. Trolling is a cyber-expression of emotional abuse, and emotional abuse itself is part of a grander pathological mental disorder that the troll should seek help for, as I did.
by Anon1045 September 25, 2011
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Trolling is the term derived from the word "troll," which indicates trailing a fish along a baited line. In modern culture, trolling refers to hitting on guys when you are out, by baiting them with a little information about yourself or a flirty comment, and then playing hard to get. By planting the "bait," a girl will subsequently "troll" and find herself surrounded by a whole crowd of boys.

The act of trolling is an art-form, generally reserved for hot chicks out at a bar and/or club. However, it is possible to troll in all locations, such as the library or a coffee-shop, though that is a skill reserved for only the most talented individuals.

Note: Not to be confused with the noun "troll" (an ugly chick) or spamming message board (whoever does that cannot certainly cannot actually go trolling).
Girl1: I gotta get my make-up and tight dress on so I can troll tonight.
Girl2: Gen, I know, there will be a lot of trolling potential, like last night. I saw you surrounded by all those hot dudes.
Girl1: Troll or die, Liz. You gotta rage to troll.

Girl1: They see me trolling...
Girl2: They hating...
Girl1: But actually. Hatahs gonna hate when you troll so hard.
by ultimate fly-fisher February 25, 2013
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1)Someone who files many frivolous lawsuits against people or companies who use something he thinks he owns but legally doesn't. This is known as "Patent Trolling" & "Trademark Trolling."

2)A person who starts arguments in forums or starts a hateful forum topic.

3)A person who turns a comments section into a heated discussion that has nothing to do with the topic.

4)Hacking as a prank, sometimes referred to as "4chaning" or "Pulling a 4Chan."

5)Wikis mass publishing biased, spiteful, & false information, such as Encyclopedia Dramatica, Uncyclopedia, Conservapedia, & Metapedia.
A troll (company) sets up a bridge (claims copyrights over a word) & demands a toll to cross the bridge (wants payment for anyone using that word in one of their projects) or it will eat (sue) you.

1)EDGE attempting to sue any developer using "Edge" in the name of their game is a very well-known act of Repeat Trolling.

2)Bethesda Softworks's attempt to sue Mojang over their planned use of "Scrolls" in an upcoming game title.
by ThatEvilRedhead August 5, 2011
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Responding through short, unhelpful, and often antagonistic means, or performing acts with the intent of getting a rise from people so it can be posted on youtube later. No longer bound to the confines of the internet.
sexy saxagram youtube video
A - you suk no0b! go slit your wrists!
B - kthx!
(both are trolling in this scenario)
A - your terrible
B - you're
A - stfu you don't know what your talking about
B - you're
A - gtfo your annoying
B - you're...
by Baaaaaaaaahhhh March 17, 2011
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(noun) Term referring to a person who, throughout the course of a beer pong game, failed to make a single cup and as a result must sit under the beer pong table for the duration of the following game.

(Verb) In the act of defeating a person who has yet to make a cup during the current game of beer pong.
- "One more cup and you're trolled!"

- "This kid hasn't made a cup yet! He keeps this up and he's gonna end up trolled!"

-"Let's troll these kids."

- "Who's that under the table?

----"Just some kid who got trolled."

- "You serious?! I have to play with the troll??"

-"What's going on man?"
---"Just trolling some kids in pong right now."
by stamina123 February 6, 2010
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The worst grade wizards or witches can get on their O.W.L's/N.E.W.T's. In highest to lowest the grades go: O - outstanding, E - exceeds expectations, A - acceptable, P - poor, D - dreadful, T - troll
Gryffindor student: What'd ya get on your defence against the dark arts O.W.L?
Hufflepuff student: I got a T for troll.
Gryffindor student: That's got to be rough.
by That 1 qween October 30, 2018
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An angry, bitter dwarf-sized creature that is found hanging out and hiding under bridges. If you happen upon a Troll while crossing a bridge you may encounter them threatening you as well as being offensive and quite obnoxious in their behavior.
"The city bridge Troll threatened my friend and I with our lives."
by crankhead November 20, 2016
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