1. A person that is a dumbass and does not have common sense.
2.Or a person that doesn't pay attention to the things and people around them.
She's such a twat, what is she doing!
by Pop Art! November 3, 2006
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In class the new girl was wearing a skirt and her tight Twat was nice as fuck
by Jjm407 January 8, 2009
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Depends on context. Either, admiration of an attractive woman or denigration of an unfavoured female...or an honest description of a romantic encounter. Finally, Victoria Adams' husband.
1. Oooh, that's tasty looking twat.
2. I wouldn't touch her twat with yours!
3. Yeah,I butchered her twat last night.
4. Beckham? Talentless, overrated twat!!
by notapaki August 20, 2003
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A) womens genitalia
B) An Inept person
C) To Punch or kick someone hard
A) I stuck my fat cock in her tight 'twat'
B) Look at that dodgy bastard, he looks a right 'twat'
C) If you dont back off i'll 'twat' you
by tango169 October 28, 2007
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A slang term for a woman's genetalia.
Apparently this is being confused with twit, which is a pregnant fish.
She has a shaved twat. (Sorry that's as clean as I could make it)
by Mike@STL April 6, 2005
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TWAT..Learn it, Live it, Love it..Both an insult and a term of endearment..twat is life and twat can be substituted for life in any sentence..nick started it, shannon and jill spread it to the world, and anthony to many a catholic highschool in new jersey..there is no place that twat cannot be used, its an addiction, even adults cant keep themselves from using it, even if you hate it now, you will grow to love it in about .5 seconds..
Shannon: what a fuckin twatface
Jill: I love you, twat!
Anthony: she looks like a twat..fuck off, twat!

Random IHA Girl: Where are we going to dinner friday?
Anthony: Obviously, THE MELTING TWAT!

Papa Roach: I tear my twat open, i sew my twat shut..
by Shantwat January 10, 2006
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